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The Breeder of Profitable and Sustainable Brahman Genetics


The Brand of Excellence


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For decades, cattle breeders have been trying to improve the cattle breeds by selecting for cattle that grow faster and weigh more at weaning and yearling.

We have learned that the most profitable cattle are those that raise calves every year without having to supplement feed or add other inputs.

We are passionate about producing cattle that are what Mother Nature intended them to be.

Sustainable cattle genetics are profitable cattle genetics.



 Herd Sires

Seedstock breeders that truly breed for productivity will realize that the more maternal a female is, the more masculine her sons will be. Unsurprisingly, our herd sires come from our most fertile cow families, and produce some of the most fertile females the brahman breed has ever seen.

Internationally, entire countries are averaging 40% calf crops in their cattle operations. Many of these ranchers have struggled trying to figure out what they are doing wrong. Many of them would never have guessed, that the reason they are struggling is because of the genetics they have been importing from the United States.

We do not simply breed cattle to make a living, we breed to make a difference.


 Donor Females

At Kallion, we measure fertility by live calf production, not by the number of eggs a female produces in embryo production.

The majority of our clients call us because we do not have a show string, or they entered the brahman business 4-5 years before and are concerned about their production.

We strongly urge people to not listen to who is selling their genetics to you. Instead, we suggest newer and current breeders to listen to the ranchers who would be buying genetics from you.

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By no means can you use the terms performance cattle in exchange with profitable cattle.

From our experience, Registered Brahman cattle bred for profitability could not be found, they had to be created.

Kallion Farms has been setting the bar high by producing some of the most docile, fertile cattle in the industry
— Holdyn, Tx.
So impressed with the Kallion Farms experience! Their cattle are the most docile brahmans alive!
— Tanner Smith, Mississippi

Contact Us

To learn more about our program or our cattle for sale, please fill out the form below.